Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Math Coach

Monday Mr. V came to do math with us. We have been studying shapes and geometry. Today he taught us about symmetry and we made some really neat symmetry faces. Check it out!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Today Fun Friday was a big Easter Egg Hunt! All the teachers brought plastic eggs and had some kind of treat to put in them. The resource teachers put the treats in the eggs and then each child's name on three eggs. We were divided into groups of three classes on different parts of our campus and hunted the eggs. Each group also had a chocolate bunny to find! We had a great time!
Anxiously waiting to start hunting eggs!
Eggs everywhere!
Searching for the eggs with our names...

We were so glad for a pretty day to get to do this!

Here we are with our eggs!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring is in the air!

Well we finally got the virus out of our system, thank goodness! I started to make pictures last week and wouldn't you know that the batteries in my camera died? Ugh! Here is a little bit of what we've been up to in room 111.

Friday in art we made buttercups out of paper plates and souffle cups. What fun!
Today we made Easter bunnies and that was really fun too!

Last week we made butterfly glyphs. A glyph is a picture that follows a key and tells people about the person who made it. After everyone is done, we see what we can tell about the group. (Like, there are nine boys in our class)

Here is our key.

Right now we are studying living things and we planted marigold seeds last Monday. Today when we got here we all had at least one sprout!

Here is one of our plants up close.